Dunn Woods Trees

When thinking of Dunn Woods an image that often comes to mind is trees. There are many different types of species in Dunn Woods including the American Beech, Sugar Maple, and Sycamore. However, just knowing that there are different types doesnt help at identifying which one is which. Here are some identifying features of the trees listed above. 

First off, the American Beech or Fagus Grandifolia, has smooth light grey bark that is often carved into by people. Another identifying feature is that their leaves are twice as long as they are wide. Also another interesting feature of these trees is that they take part in a process known as marcescence. This means that during the winter months when leaves normally fall off trees, for the American Beech the dead leaves will hold onto the branches. Lastly, it grows to about 70-80 ft tall.

Next is the Sugar Maple or the Acer Saccharum. This tree also grows to about 80 ft. tall. A neat feature about the Sugar Maple is that its seedlings act like little helicopters when they fall allowing the seeds to disperse further away from the parent tree. 

Sugar Maple Leaf

The Sugar Maple is a hardwood species and its wood is often used for instruments and flooring.

Lastly, another common species in Dunn Woods is the Sycamore or Platanus Occidentalis. The Sycamore has blotchy white, grey, and brown bark. It thrives in a wet habitat and can grow up to 100 ft tall. An interesting fact about Sycamores is that they have the largest diameter of all deciduous trees, or trees that lose their leaves in the winter. 

It is important to note that these are not all of the species that live in Dunn Woods. These are just a few to get started in learning about the different species. People find interest and beauty in different trees for many reasons so the next time you walk through Dunn Woods or your local forest take a look around at the trees and see what catches your eye. It may even be one of the trees described here.

~Jack Mittemeyer

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